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The story
People love magic tricks, especially tricks that involve money and disappearing. So, I have decided to show you a magic trick that involves disappearing money. Here are two coins: a penny and a quarter. These are real coins. If you don’t believe that it is real coins then I can use your coins! Don’t you worry your money will not permanently disappear. I am not that bad guy. A magician shows two real coins. A penny is in his right hand and a quarter is in his left hand (Pic 1).
Watch me carefully. The magician brings his hands together. He covers the left hand holding the quarter with his right hand holding the penny (Pic 2).
Abracadabra Barambum and the quarter disappeared. The magician splits his hands apart and the audience sees that there is only the penny left in his left hand (Pic 3).
You may think that I hide the quarter in my right hand. Let me assure you it’s not there. The magician splits the right hand fingers widely apart and shows both side of both hands (Pic 4 and 5). The quarter has disappeared.
Watch me carefully. The magician brings his hands together again (Pic 6 through 8). He covers his left hand holding the penny with his empty right hand.
Abracadabra Barambum and the quarter appeared. When the magician split his hands apart the audience sees that he holds the penny in his right hand and the quarter in his left hand (Pic 9).
The secret
Materials: one penny and one quarter.
This magic trick is based entirely on an optical illusion. It’s really hard to comprehend how a bigger object can be hidden behind a smaller, isn’t it? Well, it’s possible in this optical trick. You need no special skills to perform this magic. There is only one request. You can show this magic to only one person at a time. And the person should stand directly in front of you (face to face). Make sure there is nobody and nor mirrors behind or on any of your sides. Let’s see how this magic is done through the magician eyes. Rest the penny on the second joint of your right middle finger. Hold the quarter by the rims in your left hand between the thumb and the second joint of the left middle finger. Both palms are face up to the audience (Pic 10). Make sure your audience (one person only!) sees both coins.
Turn your right hand slightly inward and hold the penny flat between your right thumb and the second joint of the middle finger (Pic 11).
Hold your left hand in the same position. Your right palm is facing you. Bring your right palm to the tips of the left hand fingers. You should keep fingers of both hands closed together. Move slowly your right palm along the tips of the left hand fingers. Guide the penny to the quarter. The quarter should come on top of the penny (Pic 12).
When the quarter touches your right thumb turn the quarter perpendicular to the penny by pushing your right hand slightly forward in the same slow motion (Pic 13). Hold the quarter and the penny by the rims between the left hand thumb and the second joint of the left middle finger. Fix the quarter in a perpendicular position at the middle of the penny. Move your right hand back and forth if necessary to fix the coins in the right positions.
Lift your right hand off the left hand. Your audience sees only the penny in your left hand (Pic 14).
Show both sides of your right hand to the audience. Split fingers of your right hand to show that the quarter is not hiding anywhere between fingers of the right hand. Stress your audience attention on it. Lift your left hand up and to your right (keep your fingers closed!) facing you (Pic 15). It’s very important to keep the quarter hiding behind the penny or your fingers when you move and hold your left hand. It’s quite easy to keep the quarter behind the middle finger and perpendicular to the penny. Just drew imaginary line that goes from your left hand thumb through your left middle finger to the eyes of the audience and hold the coins always on this line. The quarter will be hidden behind the penny or your left middle finger.
You may split your left hand fingers to show that the quarter isn’t there (Pic 16).
Close left hand fingers together. You can return your left hand to the basic position that it was at the beginning of your performance (the penny facing your audience). At any other position your secret will be revealed instantly (Pic 17 through 19).
You are ready to make the quarter to reappear as soon as you put your left hand back to the basic position (Pic 20 and 21).
Your right palm is facing you. Bring your right palm to the tips of the left hand fingers. You should keep fingers of both hands closed together. Move your right palm along the tips of your left hand fingers. The right middle finger goes along the penny (Pic 22).
Hold the penny flat between your right thumb and the second joint of the middle finger (Pic 23).
Move the penny in your right hand to your right side and rotate the quarter to face the audience (Pic 24).
Move your hands apart and show both coins (Pic 25 and 26). Congratulations, you have made the magic. This trick can be repeated successfully many times to the same audience. Remember to keep the secret of your magic. It’s the only guarantee of your success. Have fun and happy twisting :)
for you

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