Saturday, May 21, 2011


The story 
We all know that the gravity exists. So, I’m going to show a magic trick with the use of gravity or to be correct the use of antigravity. I will use a rubber string and my wedding ring to prove that antigravity exists and can be trigged by a magic word. OK. Please take a look at the rubber string and the ring. Magician shows the ring and the rubber string to the audience. There is nothing unusual about the ring and the rubber string as you can see (Pic 1 and 2).

I pull the rubber string through the ring. The magician puts the ring on the rubber string and hold ends of the rubber string in his hands. You can see that the ring tends to fall down the string as it is supposed to do because of gravity. Magician moves each of his hands in turn up and down to show that the ring follows the natural law of gravity (Pic 3 and 4). 

You may not believe that a magic word can over power the gravity and turn it in antigravity, but watch me. Abracadabra Barambum! The ring moves up the string powered by invisible but strong antigravity. The ring moves up the string (Pic 4 through 6).

The secret
Materials: a rubber string and a ring.

This trick does not require any special skills on your part. All you need for this magic trick is a regular ring and a rubber string. You can make the rubber string from a rubber band. Simply cut the rubber band. Important: choose the rubber string that has a round or a square section. Make the rubber string about five inches long. I will show my open palms only for the purpose of this instruction. During your performance you should keep your hands closed in fists and palms face your body or the floor. Let the audience to see the rubber string and the ring (Pic 7).

Put the rubber string through the ring (Pic 8).

Hold the rubber string between the left thumb and the index finger. The rubber string protrudes about one inch from you left hand and the ring is fixed on it (Pic 8).

Fold and hide the long left end of the rubber string in your left palm (Pic 9).

Take the short right end of the rubber string in your right hand and instantly stretch the short end of the rubber string as far as you can (Pic 10 and 11).

Lift your right hand and low the left hand at the same time (Pic 12).

Do it in reverse to show that the ring follows the natural law of gravity and falls down the string. There is great friction between the rubber and the ring. The friction is strong enough to hold the ring at the same spot on the rubber string even if you lift one of your hands two-three inches higher then the other hand. Set the ring at the left hand. You should have the hiding long end of the rubber string in you left palm (Pic 13).

Hold your right hand two—three inches higher than the left hand. Release slowly the hiding end of the rubber string from your left fist (Pic 14 through 16).The rubber string constricts to its original size and drags the ring visibly up closer to your right hand. It creates an illusion that the ring moves up by itself! This trick can be repeated successfully many times to the same audience. Have fun and happy twisting :)

So far you spent on this page.
for you

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