Friday, January 6, 2012

Copyrights Update

To the extent possible under law, Langerman has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work and all previously published works under FewDoIt including all pictures, and all videos, and "Balloon-O-Therapy and Easy Magic Tricks", and Twisting Balloons with FewDoIt. This work is published from: United States.
It means a lot to me.
Also, I feel obligated to give you some more details about this matter, read on.

According to the copyrights law of USA (click here to read the law or click here to read it in plain English), work (publication) is copyright protected the moment it is created. It is really good: all your tweets, comments, post, etc are protected. Also, works made by government employees (congressmen and congresswomen for example) become public property the moment the works are created. Also, under the current US copyright law, all your (not government officers) works are going to be in Public Domain 70 years after your death (click here for details). It is good for public. I mean it would be nice to have free access to your work, if any public would be interested in using your work some time in the future that you are not part of. Seriously, only dead people and government employees can see their works in Public Domain.

I want it NOW.

I believe that Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication licensing provides more freedoms to all users than any copyright licenses previously used by the FewDoIt project. Therefore, this license is effective for each and every work published under the FewDoIt project, in any media format, including all works published before December 30 of 2011. With the understanding that it is time consuming and often technically impossible to change (or remove) all other copyright signs from previously published works, I ask all users to disregard all other copyright signs.

I RESERVE NO RIGHTS. I released all my works in Public Domain.The FewDoIt project is for people. And so are all works licensed under Public Domain Dedication.
Have fun and happy twisting NOW :)

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